Volunteer Requirements

The Disaster Response Alliance (DRA) maintains a single, national database of skilled volunteers willing to assist with response and recovery activities. These activities include post-disaster safety assessments, rapid safety assessments, detailed safety assessments, other building damage assessments, inspections and other code-related functions in the aftermath of a disaster.
The most basic requirement is a desire to help. If you have a specialized skill, knowledge or ability that could be useful, we invite you to fill out a profile. If you are a certified professional architect, engineer or other building safety professional, your skills and experience are greatly needed and appreciated.
Some job functions are often in high demand after a disaster. Follow this link to a Disaster Specific Classification Matrix.
Below is a list of certifications for which there is a need. If you would like to volunteer and are in need of a certification or additional training, the DRA has provided information on our Get Training page.
- Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner
- Building Plans Examiner
- Certified Building Official
- Certified Fire Marshal
- Certified Portable Fire Extinguisher Technician
- Commercial Building Inspector
- Commercial Electrical Inspector
- Commercial Energy Inspector
- Commercial Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner with ASHRAE 90.1
- Commercial Energy Plans Examiner
- Commercial Fire Alarm Inspector
- Commercial Fire Alarm Plans Examiner
- Commercial Fire Alarm Plans Examiner II
- Commercial Fire Sprinkler Inspector
- Commercial Fire Sprinkler Plans Examiner
- Commercial Mechanical Inspector
- Commercial Plumbing Inspector
- Coastal and Floodplain Construction Inspector
- Electrical Plans Examiner
- Fire Inspector
- Fire Inspector II
- Fire Plans Examiner
- Fuel Gas Inspector
- Green Building - Residential Examiner
- IgCC Inspector/Plans Examiner with ASHRAE 189
- Mechanical Plans Examiner
- Permit Technician
- Plumbing Plans Examiner
- Pre-engineered Industrial Fire Extinguishing System Technician
- Pre-engineered Kitchen Fire Extinguishing System Technician
- Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector
- Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector
- Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector
- Residential Building Inspector
- Residential Electrical Inspector
- Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner
- Residential Fire Sprinkler Inspector/Plans Examiner
- Residential Mechanical Inspector
- Residential Plans Examiner
- Residential Plumbing Inspector
- Soils Special Inspector
- Spray-applied Fireproofing Special Inspector
- Structural Masonry Special Inspector
- Structural Steel and Bolting Special Inspector
- Structural Welding Special Inspector
- When Disaster Strikes Institute Training Certificate
- Zoning Inspector